OK, we acknowledge it, we fell over a tourist trap.haven't done one for awhile, but Sea Lion Caves was it for today, eleven miles n of Florence.Eleven dollars per person, senior rate, 60 and older. Down an elevator you go, 200 feet down and into the world's largest sea cave. There are various things going on down there.Hm-m-m-m, and what power that be, Sparky?
Well, you can watch informational videos about the sea lions, see informational charts about pinnipeds-creatures with front flippers-seals! There's a barred window viewing area that keeps you from acquiring any nearer to the seals than you should. It's form of like viewing windows at the zoo, only no glass separates you from the seals in their natural cave environment, just bars.
You can get photos through the bars, and you see an incredible huge cave formation with tunnels to the sea. There is a bit section to the turn after seeing the seals 200 feet beneath the top surface and that is a pass on the former face of the tourist information/gift shop back up on top about a 100 feet back up. There you suffer on an overlooking and look down under at the colony of seals basking in the sun and swim around the rock cliffs. One of the workers for the Sea Lion Caves said that orca whales had been spotted further refine the coast today-this morning! and sometimes they get up to just under the cliffs where we were watching and learn their calves to hunt sea lions. Whoa! Sea lions are prey for the orcas? Some of those sea lions are TWO TONS! We kept hoping to see a whale, ANY sort of whale as it was an extremely calm day out on the ocean, but nothing, nada.no whale activity, which was a shame, because some of those sea lions were WA-A-A-Y out from the cliffs swimming around.like."Hey, guys! Come and get me!" Here they are basking on the cliff Heceta Head Lighthouse
There's a decent viewing point, still low in the cave where you can see the Heceta Head lighthouse, and around great birds on the cliffs. We saw comorants (black birds with long skinny necks) and the pigeon guillemot, an interesting looking bird with bright reddish orange webbed feet. Normally, it spends most of its spirit out in the ocean far from shore, but they do in to nest and raise their young. We saw rather a few of those today. Such an interesting looking bird, with those bright feet!
After seeing the sea lions, we headed back home.We've got one more day and we are leaving to do a hike-Yippee! Sweetwater Falls.a few miles inland and Dozens of waterfalls. Can't wait! Until tomorrow.Sparky and Eldy
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